Chiropractor in Pittsburgh PA 15227
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care is a non-invasive, natural therapy that helps the body function at its optimum capabilities. Chiropractic adjustments can help to reduce subluxation and nerve irritability while increasing range of motion and improving function. It can also alleviate many other issues and boost the immune system.

Physical Rehabilitation
A full doctor-led rehabilitation and strengthening program is essential to ensure full recovery and in order to prevent further injury. These exercises sometimes include muscle stretching, joint mobility exercises or muscle strengthening exercises. Correction of muscle imbalance problems around the shoulder, hip or knee are addressed effectively with exercise rehabilitation guided by a trained professional.

Whiplash and Auto Injury Treatment
Car accidents can lead to many issues if left untreated. One in six car accidents result in whiplash, so seeing a chiropractic professional is important to diagnose and treat potential problems after an accident. Chiropractic care corrects misalignments so the body can properly heal properly and allows the nervous system to function at its optimal rate.